Temel İlkeleri C# IEqualityComparer nedir

Temel İlkeleri C# IEqualityComparer nedir

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If you do decide you need a comparer, you güç certainly use a generalized comparer (see DMenT's answer), but if you need to reuse that logic you should encapsulate it in a dedicated class. You could even declare it by inheriting from the generic base:

If you want a generic solution that creates an IEqualityComparer for your class based on a property (which acts birli a key) of that class have a look at this:

This is it. We have explored the interaction between LINQ extension methods and custom IEqualityComparers and even implemented one. The resulting class is both easy to use and highly customizable, because its operation is fully defined by the key selector function provided by user.


The IEqualityComparer interface supports only equality comparisons. Customization of comparisons for sorting and ordering is provided by the IComparer interface.

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I am trying to generate a C# IEqualityComparer Nasıl Kullanılır listbox of items that is a concatenation of two strings. I have created a class that implements IEqualityComparer and I want to make this list distinct.

BaseClass satisfies the first bound because it is larger than the first bound, and identical to the second bound.

Xamarin üzere platformlar, C# kullanarak hem Android hem de iOS sinein mobil uygulamalar oluşturmanızı esenlar.

Dershane tanılamamlama, kodun C# IEqualityComparer Kullanımı yeni baştan kullanılabilirliğini artırır, bakımı kolaylaştırır ve kodun okunabilirliğini geliştirir.

Kakım we kişi see, to satisfy the interface, we need to implement two methods: Equals and GetHashCode. Additionally, C# IEqualityComparer nedir we need to take note that this interface is a contravariant interface.

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Brad WilsonBrad Wilson 69.5k99 gold badges7575 silver badges8484 bronze badges 2 Beddua thanks, I wasnt too far off. I will add more properties to the Equals method but do I need to do anything for the GetHashCode method?

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